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Software Product


The need of the era is digital expansion and with a user-friendly and efficient mobile application, you can expand your business’s reach and accessibility. Serigor’s takes pride in its team of mobile app and web developers who deliver cutting-edge mobile application development while leaning on innovation, customization and responsiveness

Who do we cater to?


Startups looking to launch digitally enjoy supervised software product development services from experts who will target the purpose of launching your business, by being with your ideas at every step of the development of the prototype.

SME (Small and
Medium Enterprises)

Finding growth-based product development is our expertise and that’s where Small and Medium Enterprises get the most out of our revolutionary software development services.


Big enterprises and established brands with an existing setup seeking specific and profitable software product development services get the most advanced approach and fully operational product that match the exact business need.

How do developers at Serigor deliver a futuristic high functioning software product?

Project Assessment & Planning

This is where team Serigor sits with you and helps you empty your ideas, doubts, thoughts and vision on the table. From assessing the product, reviewing ideas, holding multiple discussions, summarizing a goal to planning a pathway to the prototype and drawing a budget proposal, this is a crucial step

Creating Product Prototype

Serigor understands the utmost importance of a functional prototype or a minimum viable product. An operative MVP is how your rough vision or framework of an idea comes to life helping you, and us, determine the usability, interactivity and success of the software product in the discussion. This part is important in reshaping the original assessment and planning based on possible hurdles.

Designing & Development

When the team and you are done playing with the prototype and ideas, it is time to jump into the step where designers give your product a visual shape and then a coded infrastructure to bring it to life. The design and development stage of any software product is aimed at bringing ideas, research, planning and prototype-based discussions together to give it a final shape.

Quality Analysis

QA or Testing is non-negotiable for any software development plan, as this stage helps in ensuring satisfaction and quality before the product is ready to be launched. Software testers at Serigor aim at ensuring you get a quality-based, bug-free, and flawless software product that is tested for usability and security as well.


A fully functional software product development comes to its end with the launch or implementation of the product. Serigor's team deploys the software only after it gets approval from the testing stage for its readiness. The production stage brings all your ideas and our actions into a reality phase.

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Phone : 1-443-482-6120


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