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Change Management

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Serigor brings a systematic, and well-planned approach to implement organizational and cultural change management, helping in the end-to-end process required for the necessary transition while maintaining the business continuity.

Serigor consultants bring extensive experience and know-how to provide our clients with efficient services in change management without impacting the business functions.

Serigor conducts Change Readiness Assessment by leveraging a series of diagnostic tools to determine the client’s readiness for a successful transformation effort. Information on attitudes and behaviors gathered during stakeholder interviews and surveys allows us to collectively identify areas of concern and barriers the client is likely to encounter during the change efforts.

Serigor’s change management mainly focuses on three key areas

People :

The most important part of change management is Communication. Communication is essential to ensure all the affected stakeholders and people are aware of the change initiative and agree with it.

Process :

How the change will be affected and finding the best roadmap to making it happen. Understanding the current situation, what’s desired, and then creating an efficient process to bridge the two is essentially what change management is all about.

Technology :

Refers to the tools to support the people and processes. Technology can be used to help improve results, strengthen internal and external supply chains, and help the company upscale.

Benefits :

  • An accelerated implementation with less risk, delivering value faster.
  • Improved policies, systems, and processes.
  • Ensures Business Continuity
  • Change management being explicitly called out is addressed proactively rather than reactively – reducing the impact of resistance.

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